Tuesday, August 11, 2020

vegan Mondays

Would you like some vegan dishes on Mondays? 
I have vegan burger and vegan hotdog so far. :D
Delicious recipes from many on  Youtube.
Vegans are not just eating salad only. It can be many creative dishes whipped up quickly, still having the same flavour as we eat that meat.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Korean Army Stew

We made Korean Army Stew today!
Ya Allah, it's amazingly good!
That's after we had everything in a pot.

And that's the end product!
I never knew that spicy food could tasty so delicious and hearty, cos I never love spicy food and they never liked me. 🤣
But Korean Army Stew, I think everyone has to try it. ❤❤❤❤